Monday, June 13, 2011

International Knit In Public Day

On Saturday, my friend Valerie and I packed up our knitting and took it to the lawn of the Mesa County Library where Jennifer Murrel, a librarian there, so thoughtfully set up Grand Junction's world wide knit in public gathering. It was a delightful morning getting to know another 25 or so friendly knitters in town.
Gretel Daugherty from GJ's local newspaper came by, interviewed several knitters, and took many photos. Vivian Ortiz,(see photo below) was one of the young women who joined us. She was a fun to talk to and I got to knit with her again tonight at Tangle, our lys. She was happy the men and women knitters of Grand Junction come in all ages. She said she imagined it might be like knitting with "old cranky ladies in the church basement" who didn't like her tatoos. This photo was taken by Gretel Daugherty. The article was written by Rachel Sauer and can be read online at the

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